Texas: Corporate Terrorism Central
Welcome to the new corporate sponsored police state. Mandatory vaccinations used to be required because diseases were highly contagious and could be transmitted to others. Now they are required because the government and drug companies can't stop screwing each other up the ass.
Following in the image of the corporate terrorist in chief, the corporate terrorist governor of Texas, decided that to by pass the legislative branch, aka the branch that is defined as the one that is supposed to make the laws, and pass an executive order. And of course just like the nutjob in chief, the nutjob governor's order is based in corporate terrorism.
See Merck and Co is the only company making this vaccine. And the ties between the governor of Texas and Merck are numerous. In one critics words "Probably it would be easier to take the governorÂs motives at face value if Merck & Co. were not the only manufacturer of the vaccine, if Merck were not charging physicians about $120 per dose of the three-dose vaccine, if Merck had not contributed $6,000 to Gov. PerryÂs campaign and if MerckÂs lobbyist in Texas were not Mike Toomey, the governorÂs former chief of staff" (http://www.fortbendnow.com/opinion/2520/howard-vows-to-lead-the-charge-against-perrys-vaccination-mandate).
And of course they claim the vaccine is safe, the same thing that for years cigarette companies claimed about their cigarettes. So who knows what they are hiding about this one. But the corporate terrorist governor Perry doesn't care as long as they keeping slipping money into his g-string.