What will the The Shitty Assholes Ban Next?
Well, guess what if you are going to ban liquid than guess what people can't go into the airport. This also includes The Shitty Assholes who as humans(?) are compromised of in large part liquid. They also have hands, legs, and teeth that can be used as weapons. "I don't know about you" says a progressive against democrats "but when I am in a fight generally the first thing I think isn't oh my goodness where are by twizers. Of course the one time I decided to use twizers while looking for them in my bag, I was meanwhile punched, kicked, and bitten into a bloodly pulp". In addition to this my little pet wants to know, "What are twizers? If I want to defend myself I just use my teeth!".
But wait a second, those liquid humans give their money to the corporate terrorists at the airport and they use their teeth at McDonalds and Burger King. Well than if the corporate terrorists approve it and it benefits them, then we'll let them bring their teeth in.
But then again I should get real. After all haven't we all seen just how dangerous liquid can be. Look at how that terrorist girl Dorothy used it and what it did to the wicked witch of the west. Wait that's Hollywod? Damn, because it seemed so real just like the 5 o'clock news.