Progressives Against Democrats

The truth is that it isn't Democrats vs. Republicans. It is two good old boy's clubs working together to enact class warfare:that is to enact class warfare against you and me. Will you too sell out to the Democrats and their lies about being an opposition party, or will you stand with me and fight?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Our Court System at Waste

While Citibank steals from their employees, steals from their customers, and murders people around the globe by charging them amounts of interest that they know will force them to starve, Shitibank sits in court whining about how they are the victims of Enron. And no they are not talking about the STD's they obtained by their constant f**king with them.

Maybe perhaps if they want to make a claim about STD's though they should make it about the judge who "has taken the unusual step of permitting the banks to immediately appeal a U-S bankruptcy judge's ruling earlier this year"( Convientantly the judge is not named, but someone better investigate this anonymous prostitute who calls themselves a judge.

Of course Shitigroup along with the other corporate terrorist banks claim that they are the victims and they are doing this out of concern. "The banks say the ruling could "devastate" the country's 500 (b) billion-dollar distressed-debt market"( Stop with the bullshit and just admit that you are evil terrorist money grabbing whores.

Over at the Truth Will Set You Free the sphinx talks about 5 qualities present in a fasicist. One, a sense of overwhelming crisis such as this immediate appeal. Two, a sense of being the victim (in this case the victim is the American peoples whose court systems are being clogged up with this bullshit). Three, need for authority by a natural leader above the law. While Citigroup does match all five they certainly meet enough to be considered fascists.

Beyond this though, if our justice system was actually just it would be the child murders and corporate terrorists such as Citi and the big banks that would be on trial for starving people to death and causing them to have no money for access to health care. Until the system stops catering to the corporate terrorists and until the real criminals are all in jail, we must refuse to convict anyone but rich white people (aka the corporate terrorists) if we are on a jury.

It is time to stop wasting government resources. I say this case should be postponed until all these shitholes are in hell (Ken Lay is already there) and then they can waste the resources in hell.


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Citisucks said...

I agree, if the people do not rise up soon it will be too late. Those who make nonviolent resistance impossible, make violent resistence inevitable. I don't know what it will take though in order to get idiot america rise up.


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