They all Must Be Elected: Part I
Some words from a real candidate, I will do a cut and paste and let the real candidate speak from themselves (from the Denver Greens Mailing List)
The race for the U.S. House of Representatives for the 7th
Congressional District is now set.
Green candidate Dave Chandler is running against Republican Rick
O'Donnell and Democrat Ed Perlmutter.
There couldn't be a clearer choice when it comes to protecting our
civil liberties and the Bill of Rights -- standing for peace and
ending Bush's war in Iraq, for preserving our environment, and for
economic justice.
Just take a look at Dave's web site to see what putting "Principle
BEFORE Politics" looks like.
www.DaveChandler. us
Here's more from Dave:
"If I'm elected to the Congress, I'll vote for an impeachment of Bush
and Cheney."
That's what I've been saying to people and the positive response
tells me that the 'stick-in-the- mud' leaders of the Democratic and
Republican parties are really missing the mood of a growing number of
Americans. I'm detecting a sense among more and more voters that the
two elite, establishment parties are both corrupt and devoid of any
genuine principles. So, this year, it is important to be courageous
and vote for real, genuine change for our country!
That's why I am excited about running for U.S. House of
Representatives for the 7th Congressional District.
I am dedicated to bringing real democracy and political reform to our
country. Since I ran for this same seat four years ago, I have
attended our national party convention in Milwaukee in 2004, and for
the last two years have been the chair of the Jeffco Greens. I've
helped the party organize a major metro area planning meeting and
three public forums -- two on the CSAP test, and one on Peak Oil. I
am a voting representative to the party's national committee.
Recently, I've even started a blog for Greens in the Denver area
which I hope will help keep interested folks informed; take a look
at: www.MetroDenverGree
But, my campaign is mostly about issues and bold proposals to make
our nation and world a better place. This is what I bring to the
Congressional election debate that no other candidate in the 7th CD
will articulate:
I support the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
I support the quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
I support nuclear disarmament diplomacy globally, but especially now
in the Middle East - no attack on Iran.
I support public finance of federal elections.
I support universal health insurance.
I support U.S. ratification of the Kyoto Treaty.
I support equal rights for all people.
Those are simple, principled, positions. Voters of conscience must
have a candidate for whom to vote -- that is what my candidacy
contributes to the democratic process.
>> I'm sending this email to ask for a donation so that this message
>> can be communicated to the voters.
>> You don't have to live in this district to contribute!
>> This is not going to be complicated -- or electronic. You just
>> need to take about three minutes right now to do a little bit to
>> help save our freedoms and liberties, to renew our republic, to
>> preserve our planet.
>> Please send a check to:
>> Chandler for Congress
>> 7930 Kendall Street
>> Arvada, CO 80003
>> Please help -- I want to be able to buy ads in local newspapers to
>> publicize my campaign web site so that the voters can know where
>> ALL the candidates stand on the issues.
Thank you very much for your support and assistance.
Dave C.
Dave Chandler
www.DaveChandler. us
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District
Green Party of Colorado
dave@DaveChandler. us
What really happened has a whole bunch of profiles of greens that are runnig.
Undeniable Liberal
Blogger sucks
Cool thanks, also has a number of profiles. This one happens to be a local candidate to the area I live in.
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