The SUV Idiot Scale
The more you agree with the more likely you are to be driving around in a SUV/Truck:
1. I believe the bullshit commercials that claim that SUV's are safer (when they are really more dangerous to everyone including the occupants than a passenger car).
2. I think my actions don't matter as long, as I stick a Support Our Troops or John Kerry Sticker on it.
3. I think flipping upside down is a lot of fun.
4. I admire Hitler and his protege Bu$h.
5. I like to be passed by people at stop lights, even when I try to go while the light is still red.
6. I overcompensate for my inadequacies.
7. I drive around with a cell phone glued to my ear, while driving my idiot children to soccer practice.
8. I have a small penis.
9. I have a really small penis.
10. My IQ borders on that of retarded.
11. I hate children, unless I am causing their deaths with my SUV.
12. I caused the deaths of many people in Hurricane Katrina (come on admit it).
13. I'm Selfish.
14. I'm a Hypocrite.
15. I hate the environment.
16. I care about the environment, but it's someone else's job to save it.
17. I not only like to increase the chances that I will die, but that when I do I will take someone with me.
18. I don't care if other peoples children die oversees.
19. I owe the banking terrorists a lot of money and can't seem to figure out why (do you think it's the gas or the overpriced piece of shit you are driving?)
20. When I have a person who drives a passenger car rate me on this quiz, my agree score goes way up (because I'm too stupid and/or to much in denial to rate myself).
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